Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hello To Everyone Out and About The Blogging Universe

Hello Everyone!

I just want to take a moment to say hello and introduce myself and my corkey little spot in the world of blogdom. I'm new to this and a little nervous, as silly as they may be! But I think this will be a lot of fun and hopefully once I get the ball rolling I will not only enjoy it but you will as well!

New York is a special kind of place. Depending on the day, it can be fun and can be torturous and frustrating...romantic...sad...sunny and bright or gritty and loathsome...

It all depends on the places you go, the people you meet...the place you find yourself in you life...the possibilities are endless!

Sitting down and deciding to do this I have been thinking about what kind of blog do I want to have? What should I write about? Where to begin.

And that's just it! What is there not to write about when you live in such a diverse place that throws all sorts of things out at you!

And there is where "Random Thoughts" came to mind. I am constantly people watching, experiencing new things, places, thoughts and feelings so when ever the mood hits I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences and hopefully in doing so will meet and hear some interesting stories from others out in the world who have things to share as well!

So fingers crossed and a few deep breaths later here I am at the end of my first official entry! Hopefully in days to come I will come up with some at least interesting things to share and see what happens!